# Messages

To invite a user, the following message must be used:

# MsgInviteUser

# Protobuf message

message MsgInviteUser {
  string recipient = 1;
  string sender = 2;

# Transaction message

  "type": "commercio/MsgInviteUser",
  "value": {
    "recipient": "<address of the user to be invited>",
    "sender": "<your address>"

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# MsgBuyMembership

Buying a membership

# Protobuf message

message MsgBuyMembership {
  string membership_type = 1;
  string buyer = 2;
  string tsp = 3;

# Transaction message

  "type": "commercio/MsgBuyMembership",
  "value": {
    "membership_type": "<membership type identifier>",
    "buyer": "<buyer address>",
    "tsp": "<tsp address>"

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# MsgSetMembership


This transaction type is accessible only to the government.
Trying to perform this transaction without being the government will result in an error.

To arbitrarily set a user's membership, the following message must be used:

# Protobuf message

message MsgSetMembership {
  string government = 1;
  string subscriber = 2;
  string new_membership = 3;

# Transaction message

  "type": "commercio/MsgSetMembership",
  "value": {
    "government": "<address of the government that sends this message>",
    "subscriber": "<address which membership will change based on this message>",
    "new_membership": "<membership type identifier>"

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# MsgRemoveMembership


This transaction type is accessible only to the government.
Trying to perform this transaction without being the government will result in an error.

To arbitrarily set a user's membership, the following message must be used:

# Protobuf message

message MsgRemoveMembership {
  string government = 1;
  string subscriber = 2;

# Transaction message

  "type": "commercio/MsgRemoveMembership",
  "value": {
    "government": "<address of the government that sends this message>",
    "subscriber": "<address which membership will change based on this message>"

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# MsgAddTsp


This transaction type is accessible only to the government.
Trying to perform this transaction without being the government will result in an error.

# Protobuf message

message MsgAddTsp {
  string tsp = 1;
  string government = 2;

# Transaction message

  "type": "commercio/MsgAddTsp",
  "value": {
    "tsp": "<address of the user to be recognized as a TSP>",
    "government": "<government address>"

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# MsgRemoveTsp


This transaction type is accessible only to the government.
Trying to perform this transaction without being the government will result in an error.

# Protobuf message

message MsgRemoveTsp {
  string tsp = 1;
  string government = 2;

# Transaction message

  "type": "commercio/MsgRemoveTsp",
  "value": {
    "tsp": "<address of the user to be recognized as a TSP>",
    "government": "<government address>"

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# MsgDepositIntoLiquidityPool

# Protobuf message

message MsgDepositIntoLiquidityPool {
  string depositor = 1;
  repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin amount = 2
    [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.castrepeated) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Coins"];

# Transaction message

To deposit a given amount into the Memberships reward pool, the following message must be used:

  "type": "commercio/MsgDepositIntoLiquidityPool",
  "value": {
    "depositor": "<address that deposits into the pool>",
    "amount": [
        "amount": "<amount to be deposited>",
        "denom": "<token denom to be deposited>"        

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:
