# CommercioMint

The commerciomint module is the one that allows you to create Exchange Trade Position (ETPs) using your Commercio.network tokens (ucommercio) in order to get Commercio Cash Credits (uccc) in return.

A Exchange Trade Position (ETP) is a core component of the Commercio Network blockchain whose purpose is to create Commercio Cash Credits (uccc) in exchange for Commercio Tokens (ucommercio) which it then holds in escrow until the borrowed Commercio Cash Credits are returned.

In simple words, opening a ETP allows you to exchange any amount of ucommercio to get relative the amount of uccc with relative Conversion Rate value. For example, if you open a ETP lending 100 ucommercio with 1.1 Conversion Rate value will result in you receiving 90 uccc (approximation by default).
Initial Conversion Rate value is 1.0.

# Transactions

# Mint Commercio Cash Credit (CCC)

# Transaction message

To mint CCC you need to create and sign the following message:

  "type": "commercio/MsgMintCCC",
  "value": {
    "deposited_amount": [
        "amount": "<amount to be deposited>",
        "denom": "<token denom to be deposited>"
    "depositor": "<user address>",
    "id": "<Mint UUID>"
# Fields requirements
Field Required Limit/Format
deposited_amount Yes
depositor Yes bech32
id Yes uuid-v4 (opens new window)

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# Burn Commercio Cash Credit (CCC)

# Transaction message

To burn previously minteted CCC you need to create and sign the following message:

  "type": "commercio/MsgBurnCCC",
  "value": {
    "signer": "<user address>",
    "amount": {
      "amount": "<amount to be burned>",
      "denom": "<token denom to be burned>"
    "id": "<Mint UUID>"
# Fields requirements
Field Required Limit/Format
signer Yes bech32
amount Yes
id Yes uuid-v4 (opens new window)

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# Set CCC conversion rate


This transaction type is accessible only to the government.
Trying to perform this transaction without being the government will result in an error.

# Transaction message

To set the CCC conversion rate you need to create and sign the following message:

  "type": "commercio/MsgSetCCCConversionRate",
  "value": {
    "signer": "<government address>",
    "rate": "<floating-point collateral rate>"

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# Set CCC freeze period


This transaction type is accessible only to the government.
Trying to perform this transaction without being the government will result in an error.

# Transaction message

To set the CCC freeze period you need to create and sign the following message:

  "type": "commercio/MsgSetCCCFreezePeriod",
  "value": {
    "signer": "<government address>",
    "freeze_period": "<nono seconds freeze period>"

# Action type

If you want to list past transactions including this kind of message, you need to use the following message.action value:


# Queries

# Reading all Exchange Trade Position (ETP) opened by a user


cncli query commerciomint get-etps [user-addr]





Parameter Description
address Address of the user for which to read all the ETPs
# Example

Getting ETPs opened by did:com:15erw8aqttln5semks0vnqjy9yzrygzmjwh7vke:


# Response

  "height": "0",
  "result": [
      "credits": {
        "amount": "500000",
        "denom": "uccc"
      "collateral": "450000",
      "exchange_rate": "0.900000000000000000",
      "owner": "did:com:15erw8aqttln5semks0vnqjy9yzrygzmjwh7vke/1570177686",
      "id": "83672b49-c2a1-4ce3-a52a-859039b1231e",
      "created_at": "2021-03-21T22:42:39.805871642Z"

# Reading the current CCC conversion rate


cncli query commerciomint conversion-rate



# Example

Getting the current CCC conversion rate:


# Response

  "height": "0",
  "result": "1.000000000000000000"

# Reading the current CCC freeze period


cncli query commerciomint freeze-period



# Example

Getting the current CCC freeze period:


# Response

  "height": "0",
  "result": "1814400000000000"